Saturday, 14 May 2005

Kitsuke demo

It was the most boring expo (opening) ever!After a crazy drive *sigh* we hung all the kimono as perfect as we possible could, it looked very nice (hopefully still does) No one offered us any tea or coffee (we drove for two hours!) But well...Then the "boss" of the theater gave a boring speech, he just read out-loud straight from the paper (I recognized the exact words I put down on paper as info about us) After that I gave a kitsuke demo on my dolly.

Pointing at the formal men's kimono set, while dressing the girl mannequin in furisode.

Of course I was scared (a bit) but things went well. It was very informal and people asked questions while I "worked".

Pulling at the fukuro obi

Working on the obi age

Kitsuke really is the most fun thing to do! I hope I will be doing things like this more often and then at less boring places ^_^

Turning the doll.

Showing the doll

Points to check next time:

  1. The kimono is too long in the back.
  2. The Mandarin Duck musubi looks weird, the wings are off, too high up, not plumb enough and crooked. But well, for a first time on stage I am pleased, at home I saw how bad the wings looked, not at the time luckily! Now dolly is at home and I straightened her musubi, she looks much better now!
  3. A better obi-jime, a day after the event, the special obi jime I had ordered for the day arrived, nice in time ~_^

I'll post pictures later...

And.... I should talk more.


Kedo said...

Is that orange kimono in the pictures for sale? If it is then how much would it cost? My friend would need a kimono..:)

Unknown said...

Sorry, it is not. I do however have another orange one like it I would be willing to sell. You can leave me your e-mail adres and I will send you a picture of it.