Sunday 23 October 2011

A different kind of Polkadots

For Kimono de Jack in Clingendael I wore this wool (kind of polkadottie) Mamechiyo Modern kimono
Sadly I was in a hurry this morning (didn't want to be late) and tied my obi way too tight!

Even more embarrassing, I discovered Mamechiyo designed it as a spring kimono, oops, I made it autumn.
I flipped trough her book and the kimono is in there, how fun!.
Actually, the one in the book is a printed silk vintage kimono.

But I guess it doesn't show too much. Even-though I like it better in a lose style, at least everything stayed in place ^_^

Thanks to Linda I have a shot of the musubi, thank you!

Anyway, I combined her with a dusty pink hakata hanhaba tied in a crisscross-style, grey han-eri and obi-jime, white with pink obi-age soft red nagajuban, baby-corduroy light brown tabi and brown zori, yes there is brown in he kimono!
It was wonderful to meet with 13! people at this Kimono de Jack and to be outside with this gorgeous weather in kimono, great day with kimono lovers, what a treat!
Also thank to Linda I have a full back picture with Anne!

I forgot to mention that it was a beautiful day and so great to meet this many (14 people arrived in kimono) kimono lovers!


Kyuukaryuko said...

That last picture is really nice, (thank you Linda)! And your kitsuke didn't look rushed :-) Maybe next time we should do something with our twin obi?
Had lots of fun too!

Saiya-chan said...

Your welcome Berber! You two were walking so lovely next to each other, I just had to make a picture! Both your kimono's are lovely! And I guess soft colors for autumn is very nice, although it was meant for spring I love it. I also need to keep and eye out for some more all season komon ;)

Unknown said...

Yes, what can I say, I guess I am really nuts about seasonality in kimono ^_^
And it's not only strong oranges that evoke autumn to me.
Get seasonal kimono! If you need an excuse to buy more kimono ^_~

Anonymous said...

amazing collection.
i happen to find your blog when I was looking for white kimonos (i'd like to wear one for the reception of my wedding)lol

nicky said...

Beste Misuchi,
Ik kwam je blog tegen. Ik werk bij een uitgeverij van kinderboeken. Onlangs hebben we een boek uitgegeven over Sadako Sasaki en haar duizend kraanvogels. Wellicht ken je dit verhaal. In de illustraties staan prachtige kimono's. Wellicht wil je op je blog aandacht aan dit boek besteden.

Ik hoor graag van je.
Met vriendelijke groet,

Unknown said...

Done (the shop I work at, just bought the book)