Tuesday 15 May 2007

Painting again

Well, this one is I think more then a year old and still not finished. But now with the moving over and me being in a place from where never have to leave again (unless I want too) I feel (slowly) the peace is returning, the strength is returning. Or is it the other way around? Me wanting to be strong again, not just because I have too (surviving, being scared not finding a new home - in time, things like that) just strong with in me, doing what I do best, creating illusions. Wonderful fairytales in ink, paper, silk and...
I bought myself a new lens for my camera, augh, that hurt my bank account, but I was sick of buying stuff for my home. Yes I need more cabinets for storage, yes there are still boxes in the hallway *blush* But I want to paint, make photo's. Just for a while, no moving no boxes, no past.
I'll finish this painting the coming week and then the next and... yes my website, I really have to finish that one, sadly I need help with it and I need it from all the wrong people. Well maybe not. Hihi, but first the things I can "touch" because they are needed in two weeks time. Good! They will be seen, finally, my work will be seen in real life again, it has been a year...

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